Oetjah-Atjeh, chatting under the waringin

Welcome to my website

My name is Marian Puijk.

I write stories that I like to share with you on this website.
My theme is: The Indies - Indonesia.
Everything related to that has my attention.
I read about it, I write about it, I dream about it.
Of course I like to travel there.
And I am extremely interested in other people's stories. So feel free to send your story to me and I will post it in the 'Your Stories' section.
My novel 'Toeng Toeng - The Dungeons of Kartini' is currently ready to be published. How long that will last is still a surprise, not in the least for myself, but I will keep you in the loop.
I will regularly publish something new here. If you would like to be notified when something is added, please let me know via the contact page.
I am open to comments and suggestions.
Hopefully we will enjoy the website together.




This is me too

My stories are fiction.
They are made up. 

Exeptions to this rule are the historical events and the people who played a role in them. I don't mess with that.
Also in my bookcase talks I stick to the facts.

Note: This is still a new website (since April 2024), there is much more to come.
Tips and tricks are always welcome via the contact page. Requests are welcome too.